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Sonia Axis News & Blog

We are touching the essence of what it means to be a human in our Human Retreat Workshop.

On a personal level - a perfect antidote for anxiety, loneliness and feeling disconnected.

On a group level - creating genuine connection, appreciation for the other human being and respect for the shared experience; an extremely strong foundations for building thriving teams.

Elements of this experience are offered during our monthly sessions at Fringford Village Hall where we explore meditation space and immerse into healing frequencies of the sound bath.

Book your tickets here:

The Magic of Reiki: Understanding its Healing Power and Health Benefits
Tue 23rd Jul 2024

The Magic of Reiki: Understanding its Healing Power and Health Benefits

Read The Magic of Reiki: Understanding its Healing Power and Health Benefits...

Embracing Risk and Authenticity: Unleashing Your Voice and Living Your Best Life
Fri 28th Jun 2024

Embracing Risk and Authenticity: Unleashing Your Voice and Living Your Best Life

Read Embracing Risk and Authenticity: Unleashing Your Voice and Living Your Best Life...

Embracing Authentic Leadership: A Pathway to Reduced Stress and Fulfillment in Life
Fri 28th Jun 2024

Embracing Authentic Leadership: A Pathway to Reduced Stress and Fulfillment in Life

Read Embracing Authentic Leadership: A Pathway to Reduced Stress and Fulfillment in Life...

Sonia Axis for MysticMag
Tue 26th Mar 2024

Sonia Axis for MysticMag

Harmonizing the Symphony of Self: Sonia Axis in Conversation with MysticMag on the Holistic Axis Approach to Wellness

Read Sonia Axis for MysticMag...

Speaking on IWLEX 2023
Sun 7th May 2023

Speaking on IWLEX 2023

Read Speaking on IWLEX 2023...

What is Authentic Leadership Development?
Wed 3rd May 2023

In reality, it’s key to realise that a leader can be anyone from a senior manager to a mum, an entrepreneur to a taxi driver.

Read What is Authentic Leadership Development?...

Sonia Axis on IWLEX Conference and Exhibition
Fri 28th Apr 2023

Sonia Axis on IWLEX Conference and Exhibition

Moving forward with this next step is a whole new journey which I am grateful for and look forward to experiencing 🙏 😊

Read Sonia Axis on IWLEX Conference and Exhibition...

Sonia Axis about Reiki in the interview for 3Bs Radio
Tue 21st Mar 2023

Sonia Axis about Reiki in the interview for 3Bs Radio

Discover Reiki and more...

Read Sonia Axis about Reiki in the interview for 3Bs Radio...

Sonia Axis about Sound Therapy in the interview for 3Bs Radio
Tue 21st Mar 2023

Sonia Axis about Sound Therapy in the interview for 3Bs Radio

Find out what Sound Therapy is...

Read Sonia Axis about Sound Therapy in the interview for 3Bs Radio...

30 five star reviews on google!
Fri 24th Feb 2023

30 five star reviews on google!

I just realised today...

Read 30 five star reviews on google!...

Your Weekly Retreat
Sun 5th Feb 2023

Your Weekly Retreat

Finally something for busy (grand) mum and dad!

Read Your Weekly Retreat...

Let's Look Inside
Sat 7th Jan 2023

Let's Look Inside

New Year, New Me

Read Let's Look Inside...

Sonia Axis and Effective Altruism
Wed 26th Oct 2022

Sonia Axis and Effective Altruism

Important connection has been made and it comes live today...

Read Sonia Axis and Effective Altruism...

Thu 6th Oct 2022


The aim of these blogs is to get to know and understand the work and support offered by Sonia Axis and how she can help you. And, naturally, the first thing we will talk about is what she does..

Read Welcome!...

My Clients Say...

„Sonia has helped to bring us back together – she has literally saved our marriage!

From the counselling sessions with Sonia, we gained an understanding of the pressures and responsibilities that were piling up for us as individuals and as a couple. It became very clear how over time, these issues had eroded our relationship. Sonia was insightful but sensitive to our different personalities, experiences and needs.

She respectfully attained the details of the issues and brought out the hurt in a controlled way, but made sure everything was addressed and considered. At all times, Sonia remained balanced between both parties and guided us how to move forward.

Not only is Sonia a highly experienced counsellor, she is also calm and unflustered with a great ability to communicate her thoughts and ideas.

As well as having an extremely intuitive nature, Sonia is an excellent listener with a deep capacity to understand.

We would wholeheartedly recommend Sonia to anyone looking for counselling, guidance or support in any way.”

B & K, Relationship Counselling

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