Looking for something different? Something that will work? Our approach is bespoke, 360 degrees blend of coaching, counselling and healing services - because you're a human.

Deal with anxiety, overthinking, burnout, trauma, emotions and stress and enjoy permanent change in your life.

We offer free consultation to understand you first. Book now!

For many years personal growth and therapy were misunderstood and stigmatised but nowadays we understand that doing “the inner work” is absolutely essential to function properly both in personal life and work environment.

We are proud to have 97% success rate with our clients. The recipe for success is an open mind, commitment to the process and perseverance.

Business enquiries regarding Effective Well-being Management please use contact page to arrange a meeting.

All visits are by appointments only.

If you arrived here then you’re in search of something that will work and bring change. Perhaps you need help, healing or skills that help you thrive as a human being, in or as a relationship, community or business organisation.

With a unique blend of traditional and innovative services we effectively facilitate your process - whatever stage of life you’re at, whatever problems you face and whatever goals you want to achieve.

Every client receives personalised service. Our approach is holistic, meaning - 'including every aspect'.

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Read Reviews

My Clients Say...

"I had a friend who has ADHD and I saw a real change in her during and after her working with Sonia. It occurred to me that I might be able to use some life coaching which I had not actively considered before. She found Sonia very good so I asked to be put in touch.

I was finding it hard to take action. I had been unwell for a long period, adverse reaction to a drug and it had long affected my ability to take action, to maintain my energy and to make strides. 

I realised from early on that the work with Sonia was helping. It was a different way of doing things even though I had long had therapy.

It is a good feeling to feel problems becoming less like a block but more like something to move through. I found that things were changing in quite subtle ways and that I was making progress in a fairly consistent way.

I feel much more in control of my intentions and ability to carry them out or trying to carry them out.

I have definitely made real shifts from where I was to where I am now and a profound change in my circumstances happened during the time I was working with Sonia.

I am sure that the work with Sonia had a real impact on that change in circumstance and the way I am processing it and making plans.

I like working with Sonia. I found her quite strict which was a good thing as things were hard for me to achieve. The discipline definitely helped though it was a challenge.

I also found Sonia’s level of professional application and seriousness about the work impressive.

I sometimes felt that it was too much to do in a short time but I pushed myself because Sonia was pushing me and that was good.

I feel I have made considerable progress and feel differently about my ability to put my hopes and intentions into action.

I find Sonia's professionalism, organisation, preparation for each session, not letting me off the hook, compassionate understanding of my difficulties but determination to help me get beyond them quite inspiring.

I recommend Sonia for all of the above reasons - because she is a truly gifted and dedicated leader and coach and she has tremendous insight. And helps a great deal to make change in her clients.

I think Sonia is a real pro and get results due to her dedication and authenticity. 

I would like to thank you very much Sonia for your clear care and compassionate understanding and incisive professionalism in helping me to move forward.

I hope I don't relinquish things I have learned though you or found out in myself with your help. I hope that I can continue to incorporate them in my life."

Olivia, Life Coaching

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