Restoring Inner Balance

stimulating natural healing mechanisms of the body to facilitate change on cellular and energy levels

Sonia Axis Complementary Therapies (General) Page photo

The magic wand? Kind of.

We offer a range of complementary therapies and they all work on removing inner blocks to enable us feel better - emotionally, mentally and physically. They can also bring spiritual experiences, deep relaxation and sense of ease in the mind.

Individual treatments:

Reiki stimulates natural body healing mechanisms through improving the energy flow through the system.

Chakra Balancing treatment opens up, balances and heals major energy centres in the body (chakras).

Sound Therapy uses the laws of physics to initiate the change not only on a cellular level but also in the energy field.

Most people see first positive changes around the 2nd or 3rd session. 12 sessions recommended for full therapeutic results.

Sound Therapy is also a very powerful therapy in group format (Soundbaths).

The experience brings people together and helps them to open up and relate in a more authentic way.

Recommended for corporate or community settings where wellbeing oriented team building or socialising activities are desired or needed.

My Clients Say...

When choosing a therapist or healing treatment in general, it is a highly personal choice. A lot of trust is involved with the person you choose to provide you with this care. For these reasons, I have no doubt in recommending Sonia Axis. 

Sonia is a true healer in every sense of the word. She demonstrates all the attributes and qualities she possesses, in a genuine and authentic way.

I had a Reiki session with Sonia and it was an incredibly profound and meaningful experience. I was given lots of information before the treatment on the feelings I would encounter, as well as insights into how and why the session would impact me in certain ways. I felt reassured during every step of the process.

I would highly recommend Sonia to anyone looking for a genuinely impactful healing and therapeutic session. Thank you, Sonia!

Edward, Reiki

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