Sound Healing Therapy is a cutting edge treatment based on an ancient technology called Sound Healing and it is often described as having a transformational effect on mind, body and spirit.
The human body is made of 70% water which makes it an excellent conductor of sound vibrations, helping tune your body just like a musical instrument.
Sound Healing Therapy is based on the power of vibrational frequencies to harmonise the mind and body and balance the system. It helps to restore balance in your system, it is highly effective for deep and instant relaxation, processing emotions, burnout and anxiety.
This therapy operates through the following laws of physics:
Vibration - instruments used create sounds with healing frequencies
Resonance - the vibration from the healing sounds is transmitted into our body and our cells start to resonate with the healing frequencies
Entrainment - the frequency of our body synchronises with the healing frequencies; helps the brain and body reach deep relaxation
There is a variety of instruments used including voice, gong, singing bowls, wah-wah bells, tuning forks and rattles to facilitate healing on a deep level and help you de-stress.
Sound Healing Therapy may support your healing alongside orthodox medicine but does not replace regular medical treatments.
If you are pregnant or terminally ill please let us know in advance.
epilepsy, severe mental illness, having a pacemaker, recent hip/joint operation
People with ear and balance problems may also be more sensitive to sound variations (Ménière's Disease).
Your session is provided by a qualified sound therapist.
My Clients Say...
“Thank you again so much for my sound healing experience. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I still feel quite emotional about my name being sung that really touched me. During the day after my session I felt quite positive, people commented on how much I was smiling!
I did feel more positive and care free. I had a brilliant sleep the night after treatment and a couple of following nights - even with the hot weather it didn't take me long to drift off and I slept really well. This morning I feel refreshed and in a more positive attitude and alert. I feel more in tune with what’s around me. I can't wait to do it again next Friday! “
Emma, Sound Healing Therapy with the Voice
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